There are many styles of Hawaiian Wedding Ministers on Maui to meet your specific needs or desires for your Maui elopement.

Styles include:

  • Young and enthusiastic
  • Seasoned with a passion for Maui weddings
  • Specialized Officiants in religious practices or ceremonial Hawaiian traditions

Maui Hawaiian Minister

Example Ceremony Cadence  for Maui elopements:

  1. Opening blessing, oli, or conch blow
  2. Exchanging of leis (symbolic exchange of love and respect)
  3. Vows (either write your own or repeat after the Officiant)
  4. Wedding blessing unique to each of the Hawaiian wedding ministers
  5. Ring Exchange
  6. Inclusion of family or Hawaiian traditions
  7. Celebration of Life

Looking for a Hawaiian style ring for your Maui wedding? Take a look at these amazing stores here on Maui:

NaHoku Jewelry

Martin & MacArthur

Topaz Jeweler


If you are ready to begin planning your dream wedding
click above on BOOK NOW
[email protected]

(808) 280-1551