Published On: March 2, 20164.4 min read

There’s always so much going on that many ask us, “What are the things to do in Maui?”

Here’s some highlights of what’s happening in March 2016. After looking the month over –  what will YOU be doing on holiday this month?

Let’s start your list… Things to do in Maui…

Things to do in Maui 2016Surfing, Sunbathing, Whale Watching,
Grazing, Shopping, Wind surfing, Castle Building,
Hula Dancing, Coconut Eating, Exploring, Hiking, Snorkeling…

Always available entertainment:

ELVIS: Elvis is alive on the West Side and performing on Maui! He’s absolutely amazing in Burnin’ Love!  For tickets and more information click here

MAGIC: As if a Maui sunset and surfing dolphins and turtles weren’t magic enough, there’s a fun magic show here on Maui called Warren & Annabelle’s. Click here for more information and tickets

Snorkel Adventures & Whale Watching: Trust your family to none other than Captain Don of the Seafire! His crew can answer any question and with a maximum number of guests at 20 someone will always be available to chat with you! Best rates on the entire island with the best safety rating too! Check them out here and tell them Aloha Maui Dream Weddings sent you!

Things to do in MauiSome off the beaten track events:

With so many things to do in Maui, we thought we would give you an assortment of activities ranging from FREE to FEE. Check out a few of our local favorites:



March 3rd … 5th Annual Upcountry Music Festival,  6:30-8:30, King Kekaulike High School

Featuring: Na Ali’i Big Band, KSM Jazz Rock Ensemble, S. E. Kalama Intermediate Concert Band, Kamehameha Schools Maui Concert Band, Seabury Hall Concert Band, King Kekaulike High School Wind Ensemble

March 5th … Sunset Cuisine Cruise: Kai Kanani + Chef Chris Kulis, 4:00-5:30, $115.16 (Internet Special)

Award-winning Chef Christopher Kulis will be hosting an exclusive Saturday sunset cruise, inspired by Maui flavors and prepared with locally farmed ingredients.  Enjoy wine pairings, open bar, special live musical guest, and the beautiful Maui sunset aboard Kai Kanani. Five Course Tasting:

Family Style– Salads, Cheese, Meats, Ahi, Coconut, Kaffir, Hawaiian Chilis, Olive Oil Poach Island Fish, Pohole Fern & Cherry Tomato Softito, Caramelized Kula Onion, Slow-Cooked Malama Farms Pork Shank, Kula Corn & Taro Purée, Lemongrass Gremolata, Chocolate Mason Jar Dessert

March 6th LEE BRICE & TYLER FARR at the MAUI ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER, With Special Guest Lily Meola, Gates 5:00 pm • Showtime 6:00 pm, A&B Amphitheater/Yokouchi Pavilion

March 13th  … Na Hula Kupuna O Kaunoa Luau, 5:00-9:00pm, Wailuku Community Center, Cost: ADULTS: $25 in advance; $30 at the door CHILDREN: $12 for 6-12 year olds; Keiki 5 & younger: FREE. … Contact: Alyka Nakoa-Clark, Phone: 808-760-8068

March 19th  … 29th Annual Hoʻomau Hawaiian Music Concert, 9:00am-6:00pm (sunset)  at Maui Nui Botanical Garden
presented by Na Leo Pulama ʻo Maui, A benefit concert for Pūnana Leo o Maui – Hawaiian Language Immersion Preschool
$10 presale, $15 at the gate, 10 years & under free
Hawaiian music, crafters, demonstrations, live & silent auction, keiki zone, food, ʻawa bar
A drug, alcohol. and tobacco free event

March 20th  … 5th Annual Maui 5K 7:00am – 9:00am at Ma’alaea Harbor Shops

A 5K run & 1 Mile run/walk for all ages! $25/person, $10/stroller

“The Maui 5K seeks to promote health and fitness for Maui County’s children by giving our schools the ability to increase participation in youth sports and recreation programs by providing additional funds to maintain or purchase new equipment for their physical fitness, play and athletic programs. We want to help our schools to be able to keep our children healthy through an active lifestyle. We also seek to promote fitness within our communities through participation by friends and families of our children.”

Proceeds from the event will be distributed to the schools based on each individual school’s participation which will be used to help enhance or improve their physical fitness, play and athletic programs.

for more information: Email: [email protected]

March 26th  …  Don’t miss Imua Family Services’ Fantasia on the Rock at Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa
Gracing the stage of Fantasia Ball 2016, the amazing Megan Hilty
Website:, Event information: Phone: 808-244-7467, Website:

March 31st  …  Check out the HAWAIIAN MUSIC SERIES CONCERT IN LAHAINA, 6:00-7:30

Relax under the shade trees of the Baldwin Home Museum lawn at the corner of Front and Dickenson Streets in Lahaina for a FREE Hawaiian music concert each month! Every last Thursday, between 6 and 7:30 pm, enjoy the sweet island sounds of up-and-coming musicians who sing traditional and popular tunes, play ukulele, slack key and contemporary guitar. Limited seating is provided; mats, blankets or low beach chairs are welcome.

The combination of Hawaiian music in an outdoor venue, award-winning restaurants and vibrant shops creates a memorable setting for an evening out on the town in historic Lahaina.

Things to doThere’s always lots of things to do in Maui; whether you’re looking to relax by the pool or go out an explore some Hawaiian culture.  March 2016 offers lots of things to do in Maui for visitors and locals alike. Go out and enjoy – the weather’s perfect – what’s stopping you?


Aloha Maui Dream Weddings Team