Tag Archive | travel to Hawaii

Hawaii Safe Travels – What Visitors Need to Know

Hawaii Safe Travel Program – Step By Step

Maui weddingThe majority of your Wedding Team is vaccinated and we look forward to celebrating safely with you!  We appreciate your faith in our Islands and want to welcome you to a little piece of Paradise through our Hawaii Safe Travels Program. To keep Paradise healthy we do seem to ask a lot of visitors… but our testing process IS WORKING and therefore creating a safe oasis for you to come and relax and enjoy your loved ones. Please help us keep our islands safe by choosing to Covid test – both before you arrive and the optional after arrival Hawaii Covid test. Please note that we do not work for the State of Hawaii and are providing this information as a courtesy. These are the steps we have personally used and offer it as a guide only.

**UPDATE 3-31-22** Safe Travels Requirements ENDED; mask wearing is no longer mandatory; however, some shops and private establishments may still request that you wear a mask so keep ine handy.

**UPDATE 3-1-22** Safe Travels Requirements END March 26, 2022; however, mask wearing indoors in public spaces will still be required.

**UPDATE 1-7-22** Beginning January 24th, indoor restaurants, bars and gyms will require proof of a booster shot if eligible (6 months after your second vaccination) or a negative covid test within 48 hours. This does not affect outdoor restaurants or take out.

**UPDATE 12-7-21** Proof of Vaccination or Negative Test is still required to enter Hawaii. Outdoor gathering restrictions have been lifted. Restaurants and Tours are open 100%. Proof of Vaccination or Negative Covid test required for indoor dining establishments (majority of our restaurants are considered “outdoor establishments”). Masks required in stores.

**UPDATE 9-7-21** Beginning September 15th, bars will close at 10:00. Maximum outdoor gathering size for public spaces set to 10 people.

**UPDATE 9-5-21** Beginning September 15th, restaurants may require you to show your vaccination card or equivalent for indoor dining. Please keep in mind that most of our restaurants are outdoors. Also – please make your restaurant reservations through Open Table and Yelp Reservations sooner rather than waiting until you arrive if there is somewhere special you would like to eat.

**UPDATE 6-24-21** Beginning July 8th, vaccinated travelers will NOT need to test before entering Hawaii. You must upload your vaccination card into the Safe Travels program and bring the hard copy with you. Children UNDER 5 DO NOT have to test.

**UPDATE 6-23-21** As of today, the Governor is keeping with the following: Once Hawaii is at 70% vaccinated, testing requirements will be lifted for all individuals coming in.

**UPDATE 6-2-21** As of Friday, June 4th, secondary testing will be stopped. No additional testing will be required upon arrival into Maui. Only the 72 hour test will remain in place.

**UPDATE 5-25-21** The Mayor has announced that beginning today, masks do not have to be worn outside.

**UPDATE 4-29-21** The Mayor has announced that starting May 4, 2021 a second rapid covid test will be administered upon arrival at no charge – this can be skipped if you show proof of vaccination.

Common Questions we get asked about Traveling to Hawaii:

If I am vaccinated will I still need to test to come to Hawaii?

At this time, yes. As of 4/2/21, the Governor has not signed off on the proposed idea of using Clear Passports to enter Hawaii without the Covid19 Testing. We’ll keep updating as we learn more.

Will I need the new enhanced drivers license to fly to Hawaii?

It is our understanding that as of October 2021, all passengers will be required to show an enhanced drivers license (the one with the star on it) or a passport to fly anywhere in the USA.

Where do I get a Covid Test to come to Hawaii?

Hawaii is accepting more and more labs as time goes on. Soon Vaccinations might even supersede the need for testing, In the meantime, the best website to check for your testing options is directly with the Sate of Hawaii.

Travel Partners

VAULT TESTING TIPS: We have had great success with Vault testing laboratories, both personally and for our clients. There are some tricks you need to know.

You must…

  1. Know the nearest UPS location and UPS Overnight pick up time before you test
  2. Scan in ALL PARTIES’ test barcodes BEFORE entering the Waiting Room
  3. Write HAWAII in HUGE letters on BOTH the test plastic sleeve AND the outside of the mailer
  4. Test first thing in the morning and drop in the UPS overnight immediately
  5. Plan your flight to be on any day EXCEPT Tuesday or Wednesday

How to download my Covid test results from Vault from my iPhone?

From vault email – download pdf

… from message, click login

… select the test under ORDERS

… click on blue link next to HAWAII SAFE TRAVELS PROGRAM

…when results open, click the square-with-arrow at bottom of screen

… scroll at bottom of screen to save-to-FILES, select folder called TRAVEL (you will want to be ON MY IPHONE, not in ICLOUD…)

… click on SAVE in the upper right corner


How to fill our Safe Hawaii Travels Form and upload my Covid test?

OPEN Hawaii Safe Travel website

… scroll to the bottom

… log in


  1. Click on trips


+add trip, complete info

… trip details saved successfully – click on yes


  1. Click on Health Questionnaire

SELECT THE TRIP, Fill out the health info within 24 hours of ARRIVING (NOT leaving) in Maui

… fill everything out

Scroll to bottom, sign at bottom


  1. Click on APPLY FOR EXEMPTION (for covid test)
  2. Click on COVID PCR Test Exemption (for covid test)
    or COVID VACCINE EXCEPTION (for vaccinated travelers)

Click on upload file

…Select trip

… Select yourself as traveler

… document type – COVID TEST RESULT or Vaccine Card Scans

… Provider – select



.. .click on CHOOSE FILE

… click on BROWSE

… click on the document VAULT_HAW

… wait a few seconds under SUBMIT at bottom of page turns blue, then click on it

… click ok

Maui waterfallsHow do I get my QR Code to enter Hawaii?

Once you have completed the Hawaii Safe Travels Health Questionnaire within the 24 hour window, you will receive an email containing the QR Code. The Q Code is a little box with black and white patterns in it. This code represents all the information you have put into the Safe Hawaii Travels program. You will show the Hawaii Representative this QR Code upon arriving in Hawaii.

What else do I need to do to travel to Hawaii?

You will also need to activate the Exposure Notifications program in your smart phone. This is found under the Settings section of your phone. You are asked to leave this on while visiting Hawaii so if in fact you do end up in close proximity with another person that tests positive for Covid-19, you will be electronically notified so that you can take proper action to test or isolate if necessary.


Hawaii Safe TravelsAgain…


We welcome you with open arms and want you to know how much we appreciate your traveling as safely as possible. 


See you soon! Mahalo!

Photography by Penny Palmer Photography